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Exchange Minerals primary purpose is identifying Mineral, Oil and Gas projects for subsequent joint ventures, acquisitions and development.
Exchange Minerals primary purpose is identifying Mineral, Oil and Gas projects for subsequent joint ventures, acquisitions and development.
Exchange Minerals is supported and financed by a group of experienced international investors looking to finance projects of merit. Exchange Minerals has offices in Dubai, Australia, New York, Cape Town, and Toronto. With our team of highly skilled professionals we are in a position to execute deals with speed and precision. Exchange has the capacity for raising significant investment funds through both private placement and on various International stock exchanges.
Having the opportunity to invest in early stage projects, alongside developing more established projects allows us to deliver exceptional returns; it does however have a higher degree of risk.
In most cases, when Exchange Minerals enters into a new project, we bring both technical and commercially skilled know how, actively managing our investments is instrumental in advancing the success of a project. We are not geographically limited and will evaluate and invest in projects on all continents of the globe.
Prior to making any investment, potential project opportunities are subjected to thorough examination by a diverse team comprising of geologists, metallurgists, petroleum and mining engineers, financiers and commodity marketers. The team has well over 100 years collective experience and is mobilized by Exchange Minerals in order to totally scrutinize all relevant aspects of a proposed venture before any capital commitment is made.
Exchange minerals has been involved in all manner of commodities including Iron Ore, Uranium, Gold, Copper, Zinc, Oil, Gas and Coal. The company has explored in Australia, Greenland, Europe, former USSR, North America and throught the Africas.
A more detailed list of companies/assets and individual projects will follow soon.